Interviewed by : Indira Chowdhury
Interview Place : Taj West End,Bangalore
Interview date: 17th September 2011
Table of Contents:
- Family background; aspirations of playing professional football;
- educational background prior to IIM
- Recalling Howrah station and the first day at IIM Calcutta
- Academic culture of MIT vs. IIM Calcutta: the “de-vocationalisement” of management culture at MIT; how using case studies developed at IIM Calcutta and Ahmedabad.
- The Indian industrial environment; the assault against the public sector in the late 1960s
- Professors at IIM Calcutta; the computers; IIM Calcutta and “Indian-ness”
- The political movement in Calcutta in the late 1960ss; being an election worker; the effect of the violence on IIM Calcutta students
- First job after graduating from IIM Calcutta; working at Rediffusion; creating new organizational structures at work; hiring practices.
IIM Calcutta
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