Correspondence of Foundation Day Celebration 1989

Correspondence sent to:
Secretary to Mr. G. Quattrocchi
Correspondence sent from:
N.C. Sharma,
Resident Officer,
Schedule of Prof. Franco Reviglio’s Programmes in New Delhi and Calcutta
N.C. Sharma outlines the schedule of Prof. Franco Reviglio’s visit to New Delhi on 9th November 1989 and Calcutta on 14th November 1989. The events include discussions, meetings, and lectures on public enterprises and management education, with key locations such as SCOPE Building, IIMC Campus, and G.D. Birla Auditorium. Lunch at Calcutta Club is also planned. Sharma requests the names of any additional attendees accompanying Prof. Reviglio apart from Mr. Quattrocchi.


     IIM Calcutta