Correspondence sent to:
Mr. I. Ghosh,
Secretary to Mr. O. Quattrocchi, Adviser to the Chairman & Regional Director for South Asia, Snamprogetti, Kanaleya (12th Floor), 11, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi – 110001
Correspondence sent from:
N.C. Sharma,
Resident Officer, IMC at Delhi
Schedule of Prof. Franco Reviglio’s Programs in New Delhi and Calcutta
N.C. Sharma provides details of Prof. Franco Reviglio’s schedule in New Delhi on 9th November 1989 and in Calcutta on 14th November 1989. The program includes discussions, meetings, and lectures on public enterprises and management education. The letter also notes that Mr. O. Quattrocchi will accompany Prof. Reviglio and requests information on any additional attendees.
IIM Calcutta