IIMC-Ford Foundation Correspondence

Correspondence sent to:
Professor Thomas M. Hill
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Alfred P. Sloan School of Management,
50, Memorial Drive
Massachusetts 02139,

Correspondence sent from:
Krishna Mohan
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta

Response to multiple faculty visits, appointments, and scheduling matters for 1969.

This is a follow-up letter dated December 19, 1968, addressing several matters:

  1. Planning for Professor Hill's visit to IIMC in July 1969.
  2. Discussion of Burton Dean's potential participation in an EDP program on Operations Research.
  3. Response regarding Adi S. Karna (not interested).
  4. Update on Partha Iyengar's potential appointment.
  5. Clarification of visit dates for Glen Urban (Feb 1 - April 30, 1969) and Dave Montgomery (June 1 - Sept 15, 1969).
  6. Discussion of collaborative research and teaching arrangements for visiting faculty.

The letter primarily deals with faculty appointments, scheduling, and program planning between MIT's Sloan School and IIMC.


     IIM Calcutta