Correspondence sent to:
Professor Thomas M. Hill
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Alfred P. Sloan School of Management,
50, Memorial Drive
Massachusetts 02139,
Correspondence sent from:
Krishna Mohan
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
Response to multiple faculty visits, appointments, and scheduling matters for 1969.
This is a follow-up letter dated December 19, 1968, addressing several matters:
- Planning for Professor Hill's visit to IIMC in July 1969.
- Discussion of Burton Dean's potential participation in an EDP program on Operations Research.
- Response regarding Adi S. Karna (not interested).
- Update on Partha Iyengar's potential appointment.
- Clarification of visit dates for Glen Urban (Feb 1 - April 30, 1969) and Dave Montgomery (June 1 - Sept 15, 1969).
- Discussion of collaborative research and teaching arrangements for visiting faculty.
The letter primarily deals with faculty appointments, scheduling, and program planning between MIT's Sloan School and IIMC.
IIM Calcutta