Correspondence sent to:
Dr. Mason Haire
Alfred P. Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
50 Memorial Drive
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02159,
Correspondence sent from: Suresh Srivastva
Topic: Proposed Activities for Dr. Haire's Visit to India
Description: This letter, dated after February 28, 1968, responds to Dr. Mason Faire's previous correspondence and outlines three major proposed activities for his upcoming two-month visit to India in December and January. The activities include: (1) assistance with the Hindustan Latex Corporation's family planning initiatives, (2) conducting research methodology seminars with faculty and research staff, and (3) leading seminars on performance appraisal and personnel development for senior managers. The letter also expresses the author's commitment to being present during Dr. Faire's visit and emphasizes the anticipated benefits of this collaboration for the institute's growth.
IIM Calcutta