Correspondence Sent To:
Shri Ram Saran Lal
Section Officer
Ministry of Education & Youth Services
Government of India
Shastri Bhavan
New Delhi.
Correspondence Sent From:
B. K. Majumder
Assistant Administrator
Topic: Appointment of a New Director for Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta
Dear Sir,
Reference your letter No.P.19-19/69.T.6 dated 29th September 1970, on the above subject.
Enclosed please find copies of bio-data of the following, as desired by you:
- Shri D. Chakravarty
- Shri Harbans Bawa
- Dr. B.K. Chakravarti
- Shri J.B.X. Banerjee
- Shri O.S. Ahluwalia
- Shri Nitish R. De
Yours faithfully,
(B. K. Majumder)
IIM Calcutta