Correspondence regarding recruitment of director, Indian Institute of management.

Correspondence Sent To:

Shri Ram Saran Lal
Section Officer
Ministry of Education & Youth Services
Government of India
Shastri Bhavan
New Delhi.

Correspondence Sent From:

B. K. Majumder
Assistant Administrator

Topic: Appointment of a New Director for Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Dear Sir,

Reference your letter No.P.19-19/69.T.6 dated 29th September 1970, on the above subject.
Enclosed please find copies of bio-data of the following, as desired by you:

  1. Shri D. Chakravarty
  2. Shri Harbans Bawa
  3. Dr. B.K. Chakravarti
  4. Shri J.B.X. Banerjee
  5. Shri O.S. Ahluwalia
  6. Shri Nitish R. De

Yours faithfully,
(B. K. Majumder)


     IIM Calcutta