Correspondence Sent To: Administrative Officer, PGP
Correspondence Sent From:
Myak Chatterjee, A.O. PGP
Topic: Stipend Approval and Refund for Scheduled Caste Students
Description: The Financial Assistance Committee, in their meeting dated 7th September 2003, recommended the disbursement of a stipend of Rs. 170/- per month along with exemptions from tuition fees (Rs. 8,500/-) and Deen Rent (Rs. 2,500/- for the 2nd year and Rs. 450/- for the 1st year), from July 83 to April 84, for the listed Scheduled Caste students. Also, those who paid tuition or rent fees at the time of registration are entitled to a refund. Approval is requested for the disbursement of the stipend and refund of the fees.
IIM Calcutta