Correspondence of Foundation Day Celebration 1989

Correspondence Sent To:
Professor Franco Reviglio
Dr. P.K. Basu
Members of the Board of Governors
Distinguished Guests
Faculty Members and Staff of IIM Calcutta
Correspondence Sent From:
Professor Ramaswamy P. Riyar
Director, IIM Calcutta
Welcome Address on the Occasion of the Foundation Day Celebration
This address, delivered by Professor Ramaswamy P. Riyar, the Director of IIM Calcutta, extends a warm welcome to the Foundation Day Speaker, Professor Franco Reviglio, and other distinguished guests, including Dr. P.K. Basu, Chairman of the Board of Governors. The speech acknowledges the historical significance of the day, being both the Foundation Day of the Institute (since 1961) and the birth centenary of India's first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru. It highlights the Institute’s contributions, especially to public sector enterprises, and the efforts to enhance the performance and autonomy of these enterprises through training, consulting, and research.


     IIM Calcutta