Correspondence of Foundation Day Celebration 1988

Correspondence sent to:
Chief Administrative Officer, Finance and Accounts Officer
Correspondence sent from:
B.S. Sudhakaran
Honorarium and travel expenses for Foundation Day Lecture 1988
B.S. Sudhakaran informs the Chief Administrative Officer and Finance and Accounts Officer about the Board of Governors' decision in its 100th meeting on 19.08.1988 regarding the honorarium and travel expenses for the speaker of the Foundation Day Lecture 1988. Shri Keshub Mahindra, Chairman of Mahindra Group of Companies, is to receive an honorarium of Rs. 5000 along with return airfare. The letter requests the preparation of separate cheques in his favour by 28.11.88 and advises consultation with the Director on 26.11.88 if needed.


     IIM Calcutta