Correspondence sent to:
A.O. (GS), Director
A.O. (GS), Director
Correspondence sent from:
S.A.O. (Publications), Asoke Sen Gupta
S.A.O. (Publications), Asoke Sen Gupta
Printing of Foundation Day Lecture Series
Printing of Foundation Day Lecture Series
Asoke Sen Gupta informs A.O. (GS) that the manuscript for the Foundation Day Lecture Series by Franco Reviglio, Chairman of ENI - Rome, has been received from the Director’s Office. He requests A.O. (GS) to take responsibility for all tasks related to its printing.
Asoke Sen Gupta informs A.O. (GS) that the manuscript for the Foundation Day Lecture Series by Franco Reviglio, Chairman of ENI - Rome, has been received from the Director’s Office. He requests A.O. (GS) to take responsibility for all tasks related to its printing.
IIM Calcutta