IIMC-Ford Foundation Correspondence

Correspondence sent to:
Dr. Krishna Mohan
Indian Institute of Management

Correspondence sent from:
Andrew M. Brown,
Professor of Commerce,
University of Westren Australia.

Topic: Upcoming visit to India for research on Managing Agency System and offer to conduct seminar

Description: This is a letter dated April 18, 1968, outlining the following key points:

  1. References previous communication through Mr. A.K. Sen about planned visit to India.
  2. Explains research interest in "The Managing Agency System and the Emergence of Professionally-managed Companies in India".
  3. Details travel itinerary: - Bombay-Poona area: mid-December to January 10th - UK: 3 weeks - Calcutta: early February for about a week - Followed by visits to Madras and Perth.
  4. Requests assistance with research materials and offers to reimburse any costs.
  5. Offers to conduct a seminar on "Management Development Today" during Calcutta visit.
  6. Mentions enclosure of leaflet about his recent book, referenced through A.I.M.A.


     IIM Calcutta