The main campus of IIM Calcutta, covering 135 acres (0.5 km2) of area, is located in Joka, on the outskirts of Kolkata, India. The institute moved to its present campus in 1975. On written request of IIM Calcutta, dated Dec 23rd 2019, seeking for land for another campus, Government of West Bengal allotted 5 acres of prime land in New Town, Kolkata
Browse Exhibits (2 total)

A convocation ceremony is a special day in the academic life of students of DMI as after years of hard work and dedication, they get their hard-earned education degrees. It is the coming of age, the arrival of maturity and responsibility, which makes the heart go aflutter. Student dream of this grand day all their college life.
The academic excellence and reputation of any institution depend on the quality of education and training imparted and also on the performance of its alumni in the field. The much-awaited convocation ceremony is living proof of the quality of education that has been imparted to the students. It is a culmination of the hard work they have put in to achieve their degrees and have learned the skills to face the real world. The special moment is cherished by one and all.