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- Havard university correspondence
- 1.3. Ford foundation
Havard university correspondence
Collection Items
Correspondence from Havard University
This is an advertisement for a bibliography on Latin America from Harvard University's Graduate School of Business Administration.
1. Cases (an annotated list of 600 cases related to Latin America, available)
in English, Spanish, or…
Correspondence from Havard University
Correspondence Sent To:
Dear Professor Bhaya
Correspondence Sent From:
Arthur N. TurnerHarvard UniversityGraduate School of Business Administration
Management Consulting in India
A letter summarizing the progress and…
Correspondence from Havard University
Correspondence Sent To:Institution Faculty Members and Educators
Correspondence Sent From:Harvard Business School
Topic:International Teachers Program Announcement
Description:Details about the revised International Teachers Program for 1968-1969,…
Correspondence from Havard University
Correspondence Sent To:Dr. Krishna MohanIndian Institute of Management"Emerald Bower" 56-A B.T. RoadCalcutta 50, India
Correspondence Sent From:W. Warren Haynes
Topic:Development of the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta
Correspondence from Havard University
Correspondence sent to:Prof. Artimr N. TurnerHarvard University, Graduate School of Business Administration, Soldiers Field, Boston, Massachusetts 02163, U.S.A.
Correspondence sent from:Prof. M. B. Athreya, Calcutta, India
Topic:Acknowledgment and…
Correspondence from Havard University
Correspondence sent to:Mr. Krishna Mohan, Director,Indian Institute of Management,56A, B.T. Road,Calcutta 50.
Correspondence sent from:Warren Hayne,Indian Institute of Management,Vastrapur,Ahmedabad-6
Topic:Visit to…
Correspondence from Havard University
Correspondence sent to:Professor Warren HaynesC/o The Ford Foundation32 Perosahah Road,New Delhi 1
Correspondence sent from:Krishna Mohan
Topic:Meeting during Professor Haynes' visit
Description:Krishna Mohan expresses pleasure in learning about…
Correspondence from Havard University
International Marketing Institute
Summer Program
Fifth Annual Session
July 5th, 1964
Summer Program
Fifth Annual Session
July 5th, 1964
Correspondence from Havard University
Correspondence sent to:Dr. Krishna MohanDirector,Indian Institute of Management Calcutta"Eserald Pover"56-A, Barrackpore Trunk RoadCalcutta-50, India
Correspondence sent from:Jack G. MoscatelliAdministrative Director,International Teachers…
Correspondence from Havard University
Correspondence sent to:Mr. K. T. ChandyDirector, Indian Institute of Management"Emerald Bower," 56-A Barrackpore Trunk Road, Calcutta-50, India
Correspondence sent from:Andrew R. Towl Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration,…
Correspondence from Havard University
Correspondence sent to:Mr. K. T. ChandyDirectorIndian Institute of ManagementEmerald Bover 56856A Barrackpore Trunk RoadCalcutta 50, India
Correspondence sent from:George P. BakerDeanHarvard University Graduate School of Business…
Correspondence from Havard University
Correspondence sent to:K. T. Chandy Director,Indian Institute of Management "Imerald Bover"56-A Barrackpore Trunk RoadCalcutta 50, India
Correspondence sent from:Grace V. LindforsEditor,Bibliographies for Developing CountriesHarvard…
Correspondence from Havard University
Correspondence Sent To:
Professor Arthur N. TurnerProfessor of Business AdministrationGraduate School of Business AdministrationHarvard UniversitySoldiers FieldBoston, Massachusetts 02163U.S.A.
Correspondence Sent From:
Ramaswamy P. AiyarDirector,…
Correspondence from Havard University
Correspondence Sent To: Dr. W. Warren HaynesChairman, International Teachers ProgramGraduate School of Business AdministrationHarvard UniversitySoldiers FieldBoston, Massachusetts 02163U.S.A.
Correspondence Sent From: Gouranga ChattopadhyayDean of…
Correspondence from Havard University
Correspondence Sent To:Dr. Krishna MohanIndian Institute of ManagementEmerald Bover56-A Barrack Bore Trunk RoadCalcutta 50, India
Correspondence Sent From:W. Warren Haynes
Topic: Request for Research Publications List
Description:W. Warren Haynes…